Tuesday, April 30, 2013

FM asks IFC to increase investment in hydro

Finance Minister Shankar Koirala has asked the development partners to increase their aid in hydropower development, apart from focusing on grant rather than loan.
During a meeting with the representatives of IFC — the private sector lending arm of the World Bank — he asked the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to increase investment in hydropower in Nepal.
Nepal is currently reeling under scheduled load-shedding of around 10 hours a day that has made cost of production more expensive making Nepali products uncompetitive in domestic as well as international markets.
The power shortage — apart from labour troubles — has become a chronic problem hitting manufacturing sector hard as the sector’s contribution to the economy has seen continuous drop in recent years. “In the current fiscal year 2012-13, Central Bureau of Statistics has projected the manufacturing sectors’ contribution to the gross domestic production (GDP) to drop to 6.17 per cent, whereas the sector had contributed some 8.50 to the GDp in the fiscal year 2001-02.
IFC resident representative in Nepal Valentino S Bagatsing, on the occasion, promised to increase IFC’s investment in Nepal in the future. IFC has been recently involved in policy reform programme apart from lending some of private sector players. IFC’s investments in Nepal with a committed portfolio of $25 million includes projects across various sectors like power, air transport, banking, microfinance, and trade finance lines.
Likewise, during the meeting with Asian Development Bank (ADB) resident representative in Nepal Kenichi Yokoyama at his office, Koirala asked ADB to increase grant instead of loan.
However, Yokoyama, on the occasion, showed serious concern on vacant National Planning Commission and the status of ADB-funded projects. It is currently vacant as former Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai-led government-appointed vice chair Deependra Bahadur Kshtery and three members resigned last week.
In the absence of planning commission vice chair, the fate of draft third Three Year Interim Plan has also become uncertain. The incumbent government should either appoint a vice chair immediately and call the meeting of National Development Council to finalise the draft of third Three Year Interim Plan or the country will witness a plan holiday. Development partners are concerned on the government apathy on finalising third Three Year Interim Plan that will help development partners finalise their respective country strategy papers.
Govt, EIB to sign loan pact
KATHMANDU: The government and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will sign a loan agreement worth $70 million for the development of 140 MW Tanahun Hydroelectric Project next week, according to Finance Ministry. The government and EIB have already completed negotiations for a loan of $70 million. European Investment Bank will be the third lender to sign agreement for the development of Tanahun Hydropower after Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). ADB and JICA are lending $170 million and $184 million, respectively. The government is planning to get $30 million loan from Abu Dhabi Fund for Development.
Source : The Himalayan Times

BPC refuses to decrease PPA rate for Kabeli-A

Butwal Power Company (BPC), the developer of the 37.6 MW Kabeli-A Hydropower Project, has refused to revise the power purchase agreement (PPA) for the project’s increased capacity of 7.6 MW.
The Ministry of Energy (MoE), acting upon instructions from the Cabinet, had asked BPC to consider decreasing the PPA rate for its added capacity two weeks ago. The PPA defines the price at which BPC will sell power to the government after the project comes online.
The Cabinet had asked the MoE to renegotiate with BPC for a reduction in the PPA rate after the project was upgraded to 37.6 MW from 30 MW.
Although the MoE and BPC had settled all the issues including the PPA rate while increasing the project’s capacity, the Council of Ministers had told the ministry to arrange a fresh deal. Responding to the ministry’s letter a week ago, BPC said it could not agree on decreasing the PPA rate as all the topics had already been settled.
“The project’s financial health will be affected if the PPA is revised,” BPC wrote to the ministry. “It will make the project unfeasible.” BPC vice-president Prateek Pradhan confirmed that his company had refused to reduce the PPA rate.
A high-level BPC official criticized the MoE for not being able to convince the Cabinet that the deal had been settled and could not be changed. A ministry official admitted the weaknesses of the MoE in not being able to communicate properly with the Cabinet.
A committee led by Dilli Bahadur Singh, joint secretary at the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, had conducted the negotiations and settled the financial matters including the PPA rate. After the discussions, the PPA rate had been fixed at 6.21 cent per unit.
The Nepal Electricity Authority will pay 60 percent of the bill in US dollars and 40 percent in Nepali rupees as per the accord. The payment in local currency will be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate of the US dollar at the time the contract for the project was awarded.
The government approved the project on Oct 7, 2009 and awarded BPC the contract to build it under the build own operates and transfer (BOOT) model with a 35-year concession period. The government signed the project development agreement with BPC on Jan 31, 2010.
BPC has formed Kabeli Energy Limited, a special purpose vehicle, to build the project. The company has paid Rs 12 million in taxes to the government for project development.
Source : The Kathmandu Post

Bend in the river?

It is a welcome news that India has formed two separate expert groups to advance sub-regional cooperation—one among Nepal, India and Bangladesh (NIB) and another among Bhutan, India and Bangladesh (BIB) respectively—on water resources management for hydropower development in Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins (The Hindu, April 15). This suggests a change of track in Indian policy towards its neighbors. The Indian government’s change of policy on shared water resources in the region was exemplified by the Framework Agreement for Development between India and Bangladesh during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Bangladesh in 2011, wherein both the governments agreed “to harness the advantage of sub-regional cooperation” in the power sector and water resources management. Not only that, according to the Joint statement issued during the visit, the two Prime Ministers had directed their experts to formulate necessary terms of reference for joint projects in the shared river basins.
Going by the history of sub-regional cooperation on water resources and energy connectivity, the subject has remained a taboo so far as the Indian government is concerned. One may be reminded of the fact that when the subject was mooted in the first Summit of the Heads of States of the SAARC countries by Nepal and further advanced by the Bangladesh President in the Banglore Summit of 1986, the Indian Prime Minister almost dismissed the idea out of hand, saying, “We have not sought to melt our bilateral relationship into a common regional identity.”
During negotiations on Farakka Barrage, which basically turned out to be an issue of sharing of Ganges water between India and Bangladesh, the proposal of Bangladesh to expand the scope of the negotiation and include Nepal in the Joint River Commission was refuted by India on many occasions. It has repeatedly opposed inclusion of transit connectivity of electricity in the scope of the meaning of ‘transit to the landlocked countries’.
Several attempts through track-two diplomacy backed by studies on regional or sub regional cooperation on water resources among the countries sharing the waters of Ganges and Brahmaputra have not resulted in any success so far, mainly because of the strict policy of bilateralism pursued by India.
Against this backdrop, no wonder water resources cooperation has been taken as a subject of “bilateral” nature that does not merit discussion in SAARC. Given these historical facts, one wonders: Why this sudden change of heart? The issue calls for an inquiry.
The watchers of South Asian waters may find this change as being prompted by the fact that in recent days India has been alarmed by China’s initiation of the construction of a series of hydropower projects, including the planned 320-MW hydel project with a reservoir of 28 million cubic metres at Jiacha on the main stream of Brahamaputra. Such a move, the Indians claim, may affect the River Linking Project along with other consumptive uses downstream in India besides creating environmental and other problems. This concern was reportedly expressed by the Prime Minister of India to the Chinese Premier on the sidelines of the BRICS meeting in Durban last month. India, though an upper riparian country for Bangladesh and lower riparian for Nepal in the case of Ganges river, has adopted a policy of differential bilateralism. India’s policy of fait accompli under the so-called policy of bilateralism on matters of water sharing—be it in the case of Farakka Bridge or Tankapur hydro-project or recently the Tipai Mukh Dam against which serious concern has been expressed by Bangladesh—is very much evident. In matters of water resources India so far has used its geographical position to pursue its own objectives, often at the cost of meaningful regional initiatives. However, in the case of Brahamaputra it shares the concern of Bangladesh, as both India and Bangladesh are lower riparian to the river. Hence, it frantically seeks a common ground with Bangladesh to argue against the reported Chinese initiative on the Bharamaputra. It is noteworthy that India abstained in the voting at the UN General Assembly on the “Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Use of International Watercourses” whereas China voted against it. Hence both the countries flout the international legal regime on watercourse. However, if India is to make a case against China on the use of Brahamaputra waters, there is no option for it than to argue the case on the basis of the principles enshrined in the above convention. This is the reason India is trying to add strength to its argument by aligning itself with Bangladesh and Bhutan.
Thus, in a way China’s reported initiative on Brahmputra river can be seen as a welcome development, one which has forced India to cooperate sub-regionally with Bangladesh and Nepal on the use of the waters of Ganges. This also helps India not only to build its international credentials but also to establish a strong case in the case of the Ganges.
But to make this policy shift meaningful, India needs to gain the confidence and trust of its neighbors. The starting point for India could be to change its recently published Water Resources Policy which negates any sub-regional cooperation and stresses on bilateralism on international watercourses. Second, India must get rid of its hitherto policy of fait accompli on the projects with cross-border implications. It also needs to shun secrecy on the water related data and information. Data on international waters should be openly put up in public domain. Real cooperation does not start without openness to the partners.
Third, there is a need to establish examples of cooperation at the regional level by doing projects which could be cited as a win-win case for all the cooperating countries. China may want to join such projects as sustainable conservation and utilization of the trans-Himalayan river and its eco-system is vital for us all. Fourth, India’s credentials on honest and just implementation of bilateral agreements need to be buttressed by even being prepared to review past inequitable treaties and arrangements with its neighbors.
Given the imperatives created by the impact of climate change on shared ecology and water, there is no option for the countries than to cooperate for equitable gain. We can only hope that the apparent change of heart in Indian policy is genuine.
The writer is a water expert and former Secretary at the Ministry of Water Resource
Source : Republica

पश्चिम सेती छिटो सुरु गर्न स्थानीयको माग

west seti2
धनगढी – पश्चिम सेती जलविद्युत आयोजना छिटो सुरु गर्न स्थानीयले माग गरेका छन्। पश्चिम सेती बन्ने नाममा १५ वर्षदेखि कुनै विकास नपाएर मर्कामा परेका स्थानीयले यस्तो माग गरेका हुन्।
‘प्रभावित र डुबान क्षेत्रका हामी १० हजार बासिन्दा पश्चिम सेती आयोजना रोकिँदा विकासबाट बञ्चित छौं,’ पश्चिम सेती मूल सरोकार समितिका अध्यक्ष रतन साउदले भने, ‘एक वर्षयता आयोजनाबारे कुनै सूचना नपाउँदा हामी अन्योलमा परका छौं।’
आयोजना निर्माण अघि बढाउन चिनियाँ कम्पनी थि्र गर्जेजसँग सम्झौता भएपछि प्रभावित क्षेत्रका बासिन्दा उत्साहित भएको राजु भट्टराईले बताए।
‘हामी उत्साहित भएका थियौं। तर अहिले कुनै सूचना नपाउँदा अन्योल र निराशा बढेको छ,’ उनले भने। चिनियाँ कम्पनीसँगको सम्झौताको विरोधसमेत भएको थियो। पछि नेपाल लगानी बोर्डले आयोजना अघि बढाउने निर्णय सरकारले गरेको थियो। तर एक वर्षयता आयोजनाको काम कारबाही कहाँ पुग्यो भन्ने जानकारी सार्वजनिक भएको छैन।
प्रभावित क्षेत्रका गाउँमा आयोजना आउने भन्दै सरकारले कुनै योजना नदिँदा नदीको पानी खानुपरेको साउदले बताए। आयोजनाको चर्चा चलेदेखि प्रभावित क्षेत्रका बासिन्दाले शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, खानेपानी, बाटोघाटो र सिँचाइ कुलोजस्ता महŒवपूर्ण विकास योजनाबाट बञ्चित हुनुपरेको उनीहरुले बताएका छन्। ‘खानेपानी दिनुहोस् भन्दा आयोजना आउँछ भनेर दिएनन्। कुलो देऊ भन्दा पनि दिएनन्,’ भट्टराईले भने।
सन् १९९४ देखि चर्चामा आएको पश्चिम सेती ७ सय ५० मेगावाट विद्युत उत्पादन हुने जलाशययुक्त आयोजना हो। १७ वर्षअघि जिम्मा पाएको अस्टे्रलियाको स्मेक कम्पनीले आयोजनाका लागि रकम जुटाउन नसकेपछि सरकारले सम्झौता तोडेको थियो। पोहोरमात्रै थि्र गर्जेजलाई आयोजना निर्माणको जिम्मा दिएको हो।
आयोजनाबाट बझाङका ५, डोटीका ७, बैतडीका ४ र डडेल्धुराका १ गरी १७ गाविसका ४० वडाका करिब तीन हजार घरपरिवार प्रभावित हुनेछन्। उनीहरु विस्थापित हुनुपर्ने भएकाले विकास निर्माणका काम नगरिएको हो।
Source : Nagarik

दाहाल-उद्योगी भेट ‘भारतबाट ५० मेगावाटका लागि पहल गर्छु’

एमाओवादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहालले पूर्वाञ्चल क्षेत्रका लागि भारतसँग थप ५० मेगावाट बिजुली ल्याउनका लागि आफूले पहल गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका छन् । दुई दिनपछि हुने आफ्नो भ्रमणका क्रममा यसबारे भारतीय उच्च सरकारी तहमा यसबारे कुरा गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका हु्न् । भ्रमणको पूर्वसन्ध्यामा शुक्रबार राजधानीमा पूर्वका उद्योगी व्यवसायीसँगको भेटमा दाहालले यस्तो प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका हुन् । उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघका केन्द्रीय सदस्य महेश जाजु नेतृत्वको टोलीसँगको भेटमा उनले पूर्वको उद्योग क्षेत्रका समस्यालाई पनि आफ्नो भ्रमणको एजेन्डा बनाउने बताएका थिए । कोसीपूर्वमा भएको बढ्दो लोडसेडिङका कारण सुनसरी- मोरङ औद्योगिक क्षेत्र प्रभावित छ । उद्योगमात्र होइन सर्वसाधारण पनि लामो समयसम्मको लोडसेडिङ खेप्न बाध्य छन् । टोलीले कोसी कटानपछि यस क्षेत्रमा भारतबाट ५० मेगावाट मात्र विद्युत् आपूर्ति हुँदा उद्योग व्यवसाय धराशायी हुने अवस्थामा पुगेको भन्दै दाहालको ध्यानाकर्षण गराएका थिए । कोसी कटानअघि भारतबाट सय मेगावाट विद्युत् आपूर्तिका लागि सम्झौता भएको थियो । बाढीले बिजुलीका टावर ढलेपछि भारतको कटैयाबाट ५० मेगावाट मात्र विद्युत् आपूर्ति भइरहेको टोलीका सहभागी मोरङ व्यापार संघका महासचिव प्रकाश मुन्दडाले बताए । बिजुली समस्याले उद्योग व्यवसाय क्षेत्र लामो समयदेखि प्रभावित भएको भन्दै यसअघि पटकपटक विभिन्न निकायमा ध्यानाकर्षण गराउँदा समाधान भएको भन्दै टोलीले भारतका उच्च- अधिकारीसँग यसबारे कुरा गर्न आग्रह गरेको थियो । ‘हामीले पहिलेकै जस्तो सय मेगावाट बिजुली नियमित आउने व्यवस्थाको पहलका लागि आग्रह गर्‍यौं,’ मुन्दडाले भने, ‘उहाँले त्यसका लागि सम्झौता गर्ने वातावरण मिलाउन आफूले सक्दो पहल गर्ने आश्वासन दिनुभएको छ ।’ भारतको कटैयादेखि सुनसरीको कुशाहासम्मको करिब १५ किलोमिटर दूरीमा ‘सिंगल लाइन’ रहेकाले पनि पूर्व क्षेत्रमा ७५ मेगावाटभन्दा बढी विद्युत् आपूर्ति हुन नसकेको उद्योगीको भनाइ छ । उक्त लाइनलाई ‘डबल सर्किट’ मा लैजान अविलम्ब निर्माण कार्य हुनुपर्ने, नेपालबाट उत्पादन हुने विद्युत् पूर्व क्षेत्रमा आपूर्ति हुन नसकिरहेकाले ढल्केबर-खिम्ती लाइनमा ६ वटा टावर राजनीतिक कारणले निर्माण हुन नसकिरहेको भन्दै टोलीले ध्यानाकर्षण गराएको थियो । ती टावर निर्माण गरिनुपर्ने, भारतको कटैयाबाट आपूर्ति भइरहेको विद्युत् कोसीपूर्व मात्र आपूर्ति गर्नुपर्ने, मोरङको बाँसबारीस्थित मल्टिफ्युल सञ्चालन गरी विद्युत् आपूर्ति गर्नुपर्नेलगायत विषयमा पनि ध्यानाकर्षण गराइएको संघका वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष पवनकुमार सारडाले बताए । दाहालले चीन भ्रमणका क्रममा देशको आर्थिक विकासका लागि गरेको पहल फलदायी भएको भन्दै टोलीले भारत भ्रमण पनि सकारात्मक र फलदायी होस् भन्ने आग्रह गरेका थिए । ‘तपाईंहरूसँगको भेटमा मैले पूर्व क्षेत्रको समस्याबारे धेरै जान्ने मौका पाएँ,’ दाहालको भनाइ उद्धृत गर्दै जाजुले भने, ‘भारत भ्रमणका बेला पनि म कुरा राख्नेछु ।’ सय मेगावाट बिजुली ल्याउन भारतसँग चाँडै सम्झौता गरिने आश्वासन उनले दिएको जाजुले बताए । हाल कोसीपूर्व १ सय ८० मेगावाट विद्युत्को आवश्यकता छ । भारतको कटैयाबाट ५० देखि  ७५ मेगावाटसम्म विद्युत् आपूर्ति हुने गरेको र करिब १ सय ५ मेगावाट विद्युत् कम भएको उद्योगीले बताउँदै आएका छन् । पूर्व क्ष्ाेत्रमा घरेलुतर्फ दैनिक १२ घन्टा र औद्योगिक फिडरमा सातामा ९८ घन्टा लोडसेडिङ भइरहेको छ । बिजुली अनियमितताले सुनसरी-मोरङ औद्योगिक क्षेत्रका साढे पाँच सयभन्दा बढी उद्योगका साथै पूर्वका अन्य क्ष्ाेत्रका उद्योग र सर्वसाधारण मर्कामा परिरहेका छन् ।
Source : Kantipur

IBN doubts private sector’s capacity to execute mega projects

The Investment Board of Nepal (IBN) is not confident about the domestic private sector executing mega projects under the public-private partnership (PPP) model. “The Nepali private sector can form small ventures under PPP model, but it´s yet to grow and learn much in order to handle mega projects,” Radesh Pant, chief executive officer of the IBN, said.
Interacting with media persons here on Friday, Pant said domestic private sector has to change its ´mindset´. However, Pant didn´t elaborate what exactly he meant by ´change in mindset´.
The IBN, which was formed more than one and half years ago to facilitate the implementation of large scale projects in the country, has a mandate to execute all its projects on the PPP model. The PPP model is an arrangement between the government and the private sector to execute different projects in the country.
“The private sector and its suitability is important to take forward the PPP model in order to execute any project,” Sanjay Poudyal, senior advisor at Centre for Inclusive Growth, said, presenting a paper on PPP model during the event. “The private sector should have capacity as well as expertise to deliver services in a competitive price to make the PPP model successful while executing projects.”
The IBN is currently handling 14 mega projects, including five large scale hydropower projects such as 650 MW Tamakoshi III, 900 MW Upper Karnali, 600 MW Upper Marsyangdi, 900 MW Arun III and 950 MW West Seti. The other infrastructure projects include Kathmandu-Tarai Fast Track, Kathmandu Metro Railway, and project to upgrade Tribhuvan International Airport, among others.
Meanwhile, private sector representatives have expressed dissatisfaction over the statement of IBN officials. “That´s not true,” Pashupati Murarka, one of the vice presidents of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), said, commenting on the statement of the IBN officials.
“The domestic private sector is competent enough to execute mega projects under PPP model,” Murarka told Republica over phone. “I can´t believe that such a statement can from IBN.”
Similarly, Bhawani Rana, another vice president of the FNCCI, said the IBN should work toward creating a favorable environment for investment rather than making such statement. “Private sector is always ready to work in the PPP model if the government ensures investment friendly climate in the country,” Rana added.
Source : Republica

Investment Board open to PPP model

Public private partnership (PPP) may not be suitable for all projects, but the Investment Board has no bias against the model as long as the private sector delivers, according to experts.
“The PPP model may not be suitable for all projects but the Investment Board will not have any bias towards it as long as there is a clear case that the private sector can deliver the service more cost effectively,” said senior advisor at the board Sanjay Poudyal during an interaction, here today.
More than 25 countries have established PPP agencies and enacted PPP specific legislations, he said, adding that private participation in infrastructure has had many labels over time and the nomenclature differs by language and geography.
“But PPP is an arrangement between government and the private sector, where each side contributes its inherent strengths and advantages to deliver public services and infrastructure more quickly and cost effectively.”
The government is accountable for essential services to the public, regulation and policy oversight and the private sector designs, constructs, operates and maintains public infrastructure on behalf of the government, he added.
The board also updated the progress of its projects highlighting the importance of Public Private Partnership in Nepal.
It has received a good response on call for proposals for Nepal Investment Year 2013 and is in the process of developing dossiers for each project, said chief executive of the board Radhesh Pant, on the occasion.
“Project Negotiation Agreement was signed with SN Power for Tamakoshi-3 Project last week,” he informed, adding that a Project Negotiation Agreement is a contractual arrangement that provides the developer security and tenure over project while the government guarantees that it will not negotiate with a third party about the project for the term of the agreement, while the parties negotiate a Project Development Agreement. “IBN Project Development Agreement Negotiation team has now been finalised along with necessary technical, legal and commercial advisors.”
Project Development Agreement template is in the process of being tailored to individual projects and negotiations with developers of four export-oriented hydropower producers started on April 15, according to him. “The board has received application from Dangote Cement PLC expressing their interest in establishing a cement company in Nepal.”
The Investment Board was set up in November 2011 as a one-window solution for foreign investors and developers investing in hydro projects above 500MW and other infrastructure projects above Rs 10 billion to fast track projects and cut through bureaucratic obstacles and delays.
Source : The Himalayan Times

Lower Indrawati hydro project abandoned unfinished

Perspective of Lower Indrawati Hydropower Station

The future of the 4.5 MW Lower Indrawati Hydropower Project has become uncertain due to lack of cash and bad management. The project, originally scheduled to be completed in two and a half years, is still unfinished after eight years. Only 25-30 percent of the construction work has been done so far.
The project has lain abandoned for the last two and a half years. Even though less than one-third of the project has been completed, it has spent Rs 640 million out of the estimated cost of Rs 900 million.
The Lower Indrawati project is located in Jyamere, Dubachaur and Melamchi village development committees (VDCs). It was previously registered as Sunkoshi Hydropower Project. It is being developed by National Hydropower Company which is owned by the tainted NB Group. A consortium of banks consisting of Nabil Bank, Rastriya Banijya Bank and Nepal Bank have financed the project. National Hydropower Company has also issued rights shares worth Rs 400 million.
“It is natural to doubt whether the project will be completed as more money has been spent than estimated on the work done so far,” said Kumar Pandey, chairman of the board of National Hydropower. He added that only 1 km of the planned 3 km length of the tunnel has been completed.
“As per this calculation, around Rs 700 million more will be needed to complete the rest of the construction work, which means the project will cost Rs 320 million per MW,” said Pandey. “This will make it the country’s most expensive project.”
Pandey expressed surprise at the high cost overrun when very little money is required to construct the entry road and transmission line necessary to evacuate electricity generated by the project. “We do not have money to continue construction,” said a board member of National Hydropower. “If the project is stopped, who will repay the bank loan?”
Meanwhile, the project staff have not received their salaries. The structures that have been completed are starting to disintegrate and they have been overgrown with vegetation. “The banks should have issued finance based on the progress of the project,” said a board member. “We will investigate where the Rs 170 million given by the banks as mobilization fund was invested.”
Source : The Kathmandu Post

Completion date of Chameliya Hydro Project pushed back

The completion date of the Chameliya Hydropower Project has been pushed back four years due to the contractor’s poor performance, the project’s geographic situation and the country’s political situation.
The 30 MW project, located in Darchula district in central Nepal, was originally scheduled to be completed in 2011. The deadline was postponed to August 2013 and then extended again to March 2015 due to poor progress.
A senior official of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), the developer of the project, said that that new deadline was set after discussions between the NEA, the project consultants and the contractor. “We have sent the rescheduled date to Exim Bank of Korea, the financer to the project, for its approval,” said the NEA official. In addition to Exim Bank of Korea, the government and the NEA have also invested in the project.
About a month ago, a field study done by the Economic Development and Cooperation Fund (EDCF), the South Korean aid agency that manages Exim Bank, predicted that the project would miss its completion date.
The NEA and project officials said that construction would be further delayed due to two reasons: The ongoing construction work on the tunnel requires treatment due to a squeezing at 840 m, and the penstock will be made of steel instead of roller-compacted concrete as originally planned.
“The month-long banda called in May 2012 before the Constituent Assembly was dissolved also hampered work at the project,” said Project Chief Rajendra Manandhar.
However, the EDCF blamed the poor performance of the Chinese contractor assigned to do the civil works including digging the tunnel for the delay. In its assessment report after the field visit, the EDCF said that the delay in civil works had affected the electro-mechanical works too.
The Korean assessment found out that the civil works preceding the electro-mechanical works had been delayed due to the contractor’s “low priority, less profitability” attitude. Chinese contractor China Gezhouba Water and Power (Group) Company is doing the civil works that include building the intake, penstock tunnel and powerhouse.
A Korea joint venture named KHNP Consortium — consisting of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Hwachon Plant Construction Co, Sean Engineering and Construction Co — and Nepal Hydro & Electric are handling the electro-mechanical job. Officials said that construction of transmission lines has also got nowhere particularly due to a row over compensation for acquired land.
Manandhar said the compensation issue is yet to be settled at many places. According to him, installation of transformers has almost been completed, and construction of 30 percent of the 131-km transmission line has also been completed.
The team concluded that 84.3 percent of the civil works have so far been completed while progress on electro-mechanical works has reached 80 percent. The EDCF has also demanded a feasible action plan for the project’s completion after assessing its progress.
As the Chameliya Hydropower Project is certain to be delayed, the government is preparing to ask Exim Bank of Korea to reschedule its loans for one more year based on the expected completion date. The Korean bank reimburses the expenditure made on the project with domestic resources.
“As financing is made based on the progress of the project, Exim Bank of Korea should also reschedule its deadline for financing,” said a senior Finance Ministry official.
Due to delays in the project, the cost is also going to rise. For this reason, the ministry had asked the Korean bank about a year ago to provide additional funding of US$ 15 million for the project to cover cost overruns. Out of the total project cost of Rs 12.5 billion, Rs 8.6 billion has already been spent, according to the project.
“We are yet to get a clear commitment from the Korean side whether they will provide additional resources,” said the ministry official. “They are of the view that they don’t have a custom of providing extra financing for projects that get delayed.”
He added that the Korean bank had also sought specifics regarding the purpose of the additional aid and when these works will be completed.
Source : The Kathmandu Post

India should join hands in trilateral cooperation: Nepali experts

India should join hands with Nepal and China to begin broader regional economic cooperation, Nepali experts said Friday, a day before UCPN (Maoist) chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda” is scheduled to visit India.
The remarks came as common response from Nepalese economic sector to Indian External Affairs minister Salman Khursid’s opinion regarding Prachanda’s proposal of trilateral cooperation between India, Nepal and China. Talking with visiting media persons in New Delhi earlier Tuesday, Indian minister Khursid was quoted as saying, “it may be too early to be working on it.”
“It seems India is hesitant to work with Nepal and China on proposed Karnali Chisapani (10,800 MW) project because India itself will be one of the consumers of produced energy,” Deependra Bahadur Kshetry, former vice chairperson of Nepal’s National Planning Commission told Xinhua.
The idea of tripartite cooperation in the area of Nepal’s infrastructure development, especially on Karnali Chisapani (10, 800 MW) hydroelectric project was floated by Prachanda during his April 14-20 China visit. Prachanda is likely to raise this issue with the Indian leadership during his upcoming visit to New Delhi.
Rameswor Khanal, chief economic advisor to former Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai was surprised by the Indian minister’s reaction because India has been demanding that Nepal should be a transit for its products to be exported to China.
“I don’t know in what context Mr. Khursid gave his expression but India will get equal benefit should the two rising economies invest in hydropower projects in Nepal,” Khanal told Xinhua.
Each country may have its own security concerns and if that is the only issue, that can be mitigated through good homework. However, prospects of trilateral cooperation in the areas of business, industry, services and traded must not ruled out, he said.
As India has listed ‘electricity’ as one of the restricted commodities in its import list, there are many hurdles against export of electricity from Nepal’s mega hydropower projects.
However, the president of Independent Power Producers’ Association of Nepal (IPPAN), Dr. Suwarna Das Shrestha urged the government to carry out proper homework to sign an umbrella power trade agreement (PTA) with India.
“Once Nepal and India have a detail PTA in commercial terms, it will be a cornerstone for further investment in Nepal’s hydropower sector,” said Dr. Shrestha. The PTA should cover the issues of cross border transmission lines, environmental issues and above all the quantity of electricity to be exchanged within.
Moreover, as both China and India are huge markets for each other, they could harness larger benefits through producing and exporting several items from Nepal, enjoying the duty free trade facility Nepal offers.
Source :  Xinhua

विद्युत्का एमडीले कार्यसम्पादन करार गरेनन्

विद्युत् प्राधिकरणका कार्यकारी निर्देशक -एमडी) रामेश्वर यादवले नियुक्ति पाएको करिब ५ महिना पुग्दासमेत सरकारसँग कार्यसम्पादन करार सम्झौता गरेका छैनन् ।  कार्यसम्पादन करारमा जनाइएका प्रतिबद्धता कार्यान्वयन नभए हटाउन सक्ने व्यवस्थामा ऊर्जा मन्त्रालय र यादवबीच सहमति जुट्न नसक्दा करार सम्झौता हुन नसकेको हो ।
कार्यसम्पादन करार सम्झौता नभएकाले यादवले अहिलेसम्म तलब पाएका छैनन् । प्राधिकरण सुधारका योजनाको  कार्यसम्पादन करार सम्झौता सरकारसँग गरेपछि मात्रै तलब पाउने व्यवस्था छ । उनको मासिक तलब करिब ७५ हजार रुपैयाँ हुनेछ । मन्त्रिपरिषद्को गत १९ मंसिरको बैठकले यादवलाई प्राधिकरणको एमडीमा चार वर्षका लागि नियुक्त गरेको थियो । उनले २५ मंसिरदेखि कार्यभार सम्हालेका थिए ।
ऊर्जा मन्त्रालय स्रोतका अनुसार प्राधिकरण सुधारका लागि जनाइएका प्रतिबद्धता पूरा नगरेमा कार्यसम्पादन मूल्यांकनमार्फत हटाउन सक्ने व्यवस्थाका विषयमा यादवसँग सहमति जुट्न
नसकेको हो ।
‘यादवले पाउने तलबको टुंगो लागिसकेको छ । तर, कार्यसम्पादन सन्तोषजनक नभए हटाउन सक्ने व्यवस्था राख्ने विषयमा सहमति हुन सकेको छैन,’ मन्त्रालय स्रोतले भन्यो ।
ऊर्जा मन्त्रालय कार्यसम्पादन सन्तोषजनक नभए हटाउने व्यवस्था राख्ने पक्षमा छ भने यादव हटाउन नहुने अडानमा छन् ।
‘कार्यसम्पादन सन्तोषजनक नभए पनि हटाउन सक्ने व्यवस्था राख्न नहुने अडानमा यादव छन् । तर, उनको अडानलाई स्वीकार गर्नै सकिँदैन,’ मन्त्रालयका एक सहसचिवले भने ।
ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयले एमडीको विज्ञापन गर्दा नै करार सम्झौतामा व्यवस्था गरिएको प्रावधानबमोजिम त्रैमासिक अवधिको कार्यसम्पादन मूल्यांकन गर्ने, प्रत्येक ६ महिनाको कार्य सम्पादनका आधारमा अर्काे ६ महिनाका लागि प्रोत्साहन भत्ताको रकम निर्धारण गर्ने खुलाएको थियो ।
कार्य सम्पादन सन्तोषजनक नपाइए अर्काे ६ महिना सुधार गर्ने अवसर दिइने र कार्यसम्पादन स्तरमा पुनः सुधार हुन नसके निजलाई तत्काल अवकाश दिइने विज्ञापनमा उल्लेख थियो ।
विज्ञापनमा राखिएको सोही प्रावधानमा सहमत भई नियुक्त भएका यादव अहिले त्यसकै विरुद्धमा गएका हुन् । उनले पेस गरेको प्राधिकरणको भावी कार्यदिशाका लागि योजनागत सोचकै मूल्यांकनका आधारमा एमडी छनोट भएका थिए । तर, अहिले नियुक्ति भइसकेपछि यादव विज्ञापनको व्यवस्थाविरुद्ध गएका हुन् ।
उनले प्राधिकरणको चुनौती, समस्या, समाधानका उपाय, विद्युत् उत्पादन, प्रसारण, वितरण, सेवा प्रवाह, चुहावट नियन्त्रण तथा आर्थिक एवं वित्तीय
व्यवस्थापनसम्बन्धी रणनीतिगत सुधारलगायत विषयमा सरकारसँग कार्यसम्पादन करार
सम्झौता गर्नुपर्नेछ ।
ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयले एमडीका लागि गत वर्ष विज्ञापन गरेको थियो । सार्वजनिक संस्थान निर्देशन बोर्ड गठन भइसकेको भन्दै सरकारले एमडी छनोट प्रक्रिया रद्द गरेको थियो ।
छनोट प्रक्रियाको अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेका यादव सरकारी निर्णयविरुद्ध सर्वोच्च अदालत गएका थिए । सर्वोच्चले छनोट प्रक्रिया रद्द नगर्न आदेश दिएपछि यादव एमडीमा नियुक्त भएका थिए ।
‘अदालतबाट मुद्दा जितेर आएकाले कसैले हटाउन नसक्ने यादवले बताइरहेका छन्,’ प्राधिकरणका एक
महाप्रबन्धकले भने ।
प्रस्तुति: नयाँ पत्रिका

जैविक ऊर्जाको छुट्टै रणनीति ल्याइने

सरकारले जैविक ऊर्जा प्रवद्र्धनका  लागि छुट्टै रणनीति ल्याउने भएको छ । मुलुकको राष्ट्रिय ऊर्जा रणनीतिले जैविक ऊर्जा मुद्दा पूर्ण रूपले समेट्न नसकेकाले अलग्गै रणनीति बनाउन लागिएको हो । मङ्गलवार काठमाडौंमा आयोजित कार्यक्रममा सरोकारवालाले जैविक ऊर्जापनि महइभ्वपूर्ण पक्ष भएकाले यसलाई प्रवद्र्धन गर्न छुट्टै नीति आवश्यका रहेको बताए । जर्मन विकास सहयोग नियोग (जीआईजेड) को सहयोगमा सञ्चालित नेपाल इनर्जी ईफिसियन्सी प्रोग्राम (नीप) को सहभागितामा वैकल्पिक ऊर्जा प्रवद्र्धन केन्द्रले जैविक ऊर्जा रणनीति निर्माणको काम अगाडि बढाएको छ ।नेपालमा जैविक ऊर्जालाई महतबपूर्ण ऊर्जाको स्रोतका रूपमा मानिएको छ । रणनीति निर्माणका लागि सरोकारवालाहरूसँग राय, सुझाव र निष्कर्षका आधारमा जैविक ऊर्जा रणनीतिको मस्यौदा तयार गरिने भएको छ । राष्ट्रिय ऊर्जा रणनीतिको एउटा अंशको रूपमा रहने वैकल्पिक ऊर्जा प्रवद्र्धन केन्द्रका सहायक निर्देशक नवराज ढकालले बताए । रणनीति सन् २०१३ को अन्त्यसम्ममा निर्माण भइसक्ने बताइएको छ । नेपालको जैविक ऊर्जाक्षेत्रको व्यवस्थापनमा रहेको चुनौती दिको विश्लेषण गरी व्यवस्थित र दिगो पहिचान गर्नु नीतिको उद्देश्य रहेको छ ।
साथै सुशासन, गरीबी निवारण, लैङ्गिक तथा सामाजिक समावेशीकरण, स्वस्थ्य र जलवायु परिवर्तनजस्ता विषयलाई समावेश गरी साझा धारणा बनाइनेछ । देशमा नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा प्रविधिको प्रवद्र्धन तथा विकासका लागि केन्द्रले विभिन्न विकास साझेदारहरूको सहयोगमा जैविक ऊर्जा प्रविधिको प्रवद्र्धन गर्दै आएको छ । केन्द्रले विभिन्न सरकारी, निजी तथा गैरसरकारी साझेदारहरूको सहभागितामा हालसम्म देशभर ६ लाख ६० हजारभन्दा बढी घर परिवारमा सुधारिएको चुलो र लगभग ३ लाख घरपरिवारमा बायोग्यासको प्रवद्र्धन गरिसकेको छ । सन् २०१२ को जुलाई १६ देखि केन्द्रले नेपाल सरकार तथा विभिन्न विकास  साझेदारहरूको हयोगमा राष्ट्रिय ग्रामीण तथा नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा कार्यक्रम शुरू गरेको छ । यस कार्यक्रमको जैवीक ऊर्जा सहएकाइअन्तर्गत २०१७ सम्ममा थप ४ लाख ७५ हजार उच्च गुणस्तरका सुधारिएको चुल्हो प्रवद्र्धन गर्ने तथा चुल्होको परीक्षणलाई संस्थागत गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ । देशमा ४०   लाखभन्दा बढी घरपरिवार अभैm पनि खाना पकाउन दाउरा, गुइँठालगायतका जैविक ऊर्जामा नै निर्भर  । हालैमात्र नेपाल सरकारले ‘सन् २०१७ सम्ममा देशका सम्पूर्ण घरपरिवारहरूमा स्वच्छ ऊर्जाका प्रविधि पुर्‍याई घरभित्रको धूँवामुक्त नेपाल बनाउने’ योजना घोषणा गरेको छ । यो घोषणाले समेत नयाँ रणनीतिको सान्दर्भिकता अझ बढाएको छ ।
प्रस्तुति: अभियान

Drilling at Saptakoshi High-Dam halted

Following strong objections from UCPN-Maoist, CPN-Maoist and other local stakeholders, drilling works being carried out for detailed survey of the Saptakoshi High Dam has been stalled for the last seven days.
After the political parties and stakeholders handed over a letter threatening to halt survey works, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), which had been drilling at the project site, halted works. Drilling is an important part of the survey.
Since the beginning of survey, Maoist-affiliated groups and other local stakeholders have been obstructing survey works saying the Saptakoshi dam is not in the interests of Nepal.
On April 8, members of Kirati Rastriya Mukti Morcha under the CPN-Maoist had handed over a letter asking the survey team to halt all works related to construction of Saptakoshi High Dam. They had also demanded to scrap the agreement between Nepal and India for the construction of the high-dam.
“Following protests by local stakeholders, we were compelled to move drilling equipment from the construction site to a safe place,” said Pravin Aryal, chief of Nepal-India Saptakoshi High Dam Multipurpose Project, adding, the drilling machines have been kept at power house in Chatara.

Source : Republica

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

उर्जा क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्न अर्थमन्त्रीद्धारा युएईलाई आग्रह

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 अर्थमन्त्री शंकरप्रसाद कोइरालाले नेपालको विद्युतीय उर्जाका क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्न युनाइटेड अरब इमिरेट्स सरकारसँग आग्रह गर्नुभएको छ । नेपालका लागि युएईका राजदूत महम्मद सुल्तान अल वेससँग मंगलबार राजधानीमा भएको भेटवार्तामा उहाँले उर्जा क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्न आग्रह गर्नुभएको हो ।
उद्योग, वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्री समेत रहनुभएका कोइरालाले लगानीको माध्यमबाट दुई देशबीचको सम्बन्धलाई थप प्रगाढ बनाउनुपर्ने धारणा राजदुत वेससँग राख्नुभयो । नेपालमा लगानीको अनुकुल वातावरण बनेकाले युएईका उद्यमीहरुलाई लगानीका लागि उत्प्रेरित गरिदिन राजदूत समक्ष आग्रह गर्नुभयो । भेटवार्तामा राजदूत वेसले नेपालमा लगानीको सम्भाव्यता अध्यायनका लागि युएईको व्यापारिक प्रतिनिधिमण्डल छिट्टै काठमाडौं आउने तयारीमा रहेको जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
नेपालमा लगानी गर्न युएईका लगानीकर्ताहरु सकरात्मक रहेको उहाँको भनाई थियो । एक्स्पो २०-२० मा युएईले उम्मेदवारी दिएकोले नेपालको तर्फबाट सघाउन अर्थमन्त्री कोइरालालाई अनुरोध गर्नुभयो ।
Source : Online Khabar

चमेलिया छिटो सक्न १२बुँदे निर्णय

निर्माणाधीन ३० मेगावाटको चमेलिया जलविद्युत् आयोजनाका समस्या समाधान गरी याथाशीघ्र सम्पन्न गर्न १२बुँदे निर्णय भएको छ । अहिले बेहोरिरहेका समस्या तत्काल समाधान गरिए ०७१ पुसभित्र निर्माण सम्पन्न हुने आयोजनाले जनाएको छ । हाल आयोजनाको ८० प्रतिशत काम सम्पन्न भइसकेको छ ।
निर्माण सुरु गर्दा ०६८ वैशाख -९ मे, २०११)मा सक्ने लक्ष्य राखिएको थियो । तोकिएको समयमा निर्माण हुन नसकेपछि सिभिल कार्यको निर्माण तालिकालाई संशोधन गरी आगामी असारको दोस्रो हप्ता -३० जुन २०१३)भित्र सक्ने लक्ष्य राखिएको थियो ।
गतवर्ष सुदूरपश्चिममा भएको ३० दिन बन्द, ठेकेदारसँगको भुक्तानी विवाद, रकम अभाव, प्राकृतिक प्रकोप, सुरुङ खन्दा देखिएको साँघुरोपन -इस्क्िवचिङ), विद्युत् प्राधिकरणबाट निर्माणमा देखिएको समस्या समाधान गर्न भएको ढिलाइलगायतका कारणले आयोजनाको निर्माण सम्पन्न हुन सकेको छैन ।
ऊर्जासचिव हरिराम कोइरालाको नेतृत्वको उच्चस्तरीय टोलीले आयोजनाको सिभिल ठेकेदार, परामर्शदाता, हाइड्रो मेकानिकल, इलेक्ट्रोमेकानिकल तथा प्रसारण लाइनको ठेकेदारबीच शुक्रबार, शनिबार र आइतबार छलफल गरेको थियो ।
ऊर्जासचिव कोइरालाले १२ बुँदे निर्णयले निर्माणमा भइरहेको अवरोधलाई हटाई आयोजनाको काम यथाशीघ्र सम्पन्न गर्न सहयोग पुर्‍याउने
विश्वास लिए ।
‘८० प्रतिशत निर्माण सकिएको आयोजनाको काम रोकिएको अवस्था थियो, सबै पक्षसँग छलफल गरी उनीहरूलाई जिम्मेवार बनाई बाँकी काम यथाशीघ्र सम्पन्न गर्ने निर्णय भएको छ,’ कोइरालाले भने ।
विद्युत् प्राधिकरण सञ्चालक समितिले चमेलियाका समस्या समाधान गर्न ऊर्जासचिव हरिराम कोइरालाको संयोजकत्वमा समिति गठन गरेको थियो । समितिमा सञ्चालक मनोजकुमार मिश्र, विवेक तातेड, उत्पादन तथा निर्माणका महाप्रबन्धक रामचन्द्र पाण्डेय र आयोजना विकास विभागका निर्देशक सुनील ढुंगेल सदस्यसचिव थिए । सञ्चालक समितिले दिएको निर्देशनका आधारमा समितिले आयोजनास्थलमै गएर सबै पक्षसँग छलफल गरेको हो ।
सुरुङमा देखिएको साँघुरो अवस्था -इस्क्िवचिङ)को समस्यालाई समाधान गर्न लागत अनुमान तयार गरी एक हप्ताभित्र पेस गर्न समितिले परामर्शदाता कम्पनी साह सिल्ट जेभीलाई निर्देशन दिएको छ ।
‘इस्क्िवचिङको समस्या सानो भए पनि यसलाई समाधान गर्न करिब एक वर्षदेखि कुनै निर्णय हुन सकेको छैन, परामर्शदाताबाट तयार गरिएको अनुमानित लागतका आधारमा बैंक ग्यारेन्टी लिई शीघ्र अगि्रम भुक्तानी दिन आयोजनाबाट सैद्धान्तिक स्वीकृति दिने निर्णय भएको छ,’ सचिव कोइरालाले भने ।
करिब ८ सय ४३ मिटर सुरुङ खुम्चिएको छ । त्यसमध्ये ४ सय १८ मिटर अत्यन्त क्रिटिकल देखिएको छ । खुम्चिएको सुरुङको निर्माण गर्न करिब ७० करोड रुपैयाँ र ३ सय दिन लाग्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ । खुम्चिएको भाग हटाउने उपाय पत्ता लागे पनि रकम अभावका कारण ठेकेदार कम्पनी चाइना गेजुवा वाटर एन्ड पावर ग्रुप -सिजिजिसी)ले काम सुरु गर्न सकेको छैन ।
‘इस्क्िवचिङ हटाउन करिब ७० करोड लाग्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ, रकम अभावको कारण देखाउँदै ठेकेदारले काम सुरु गरेको छैन, काम सुरु गर्न करिब २० करोड रुपैयाँ अगि्रम भुक्तानी माग गरेको छ, अगि्रम भुक्तानी दिएमा तीन सिफ्टमा काम लगाई ३ सय दिनभित्र काम सक्ने ठेकेदारले प्रतिबद्धता जनाएको छ,’ परामर्शदाता कम्पनीका सञ्जीव साहले भने ।
विद्युत्गुह, बाँध, सुरुङलगायतका सिभिल संरचना निर्माण गर्न सिजिजिसीसँग २ अर्ब ८८ करोड १३ लाख रुपैयाँमा सम्झौता भएको थियो ।
प्राधिकरणले सिभिल कार्यका लागि ठेकेदारसँग गरिएको सम्झौता रकमलाई परिमार्जन गरी ३ अर्ब ९७ करोड २१ लाख रुपैयाँ पुर्‍याइसकेको छ ।
ऊर्जासचिवको नेतृत्वको समितिले ठेकेदारले गरेको थप काम -भेरिएसन) २६ करोड २२ लाख ५४ हजारलाई स्वीकृति दिएको छ । यसपछि ठेकेदारसँगको ठेक्का रकम ४ अर्ब २३ करोड ५५ लाख रुपैयाँ पुगेको छ ।
‘भेरिएसन रकम स्वीकृत गरी ६० प्रतिशत रकम ठेकेदारलाई डलर सटही सुविधाबारे परामर्शदाता र आयोजनाबाट सिफारिस भएअनुसार स्वीकृत भएको छ,’ कोइरालाले भने ।
इलेक्ट्रोमेकानिकल, हाइड्रोमेकानिकल र प्रसारण लाइन निर्माणको काम पनि अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको छ । तर, इलेक्ट्रोमेकानिकल, हाइड्रोमेकानिकल र प्रसारण लाइनको थप लागतका विषयमा कोरियन एक्जिम बैंकले ८ महिनादेखि निर्णय नगरिदिँदा रकम अभावमा निर्माणको काम प्रभावित भएको हो ।
थप कामका लागि ३० प्रतिशतले हुन आउने ११ लाख ४० हजार अमेरिकी डलर -३ करोड ९९ लाख रुपैयाँ)पछि कोरियन एक्जिम बैंकबाट सोधभर्ना लिने निर्णय समितिले गरेको छ । निर्माणमा भएको हेलचेक्रयाइँलाई भवितव्य मान्न नसकिने भन्दै एक्जिम बैंकले पेनस्टक निर्माणको थप लागत दिन नसकिने बताउँदै आएको छ । यसैगरी, कोरियन परामर्शदाता कम्पनीको अन्तरिम प्रगति भुक्तानी ५ लाख ४८ हजार डलर पनि एक्जिम बैंकबाट सोधभर्ना लिने गरी सरकारसँग माग गर्ने निर्णय समितिले गरेको छ ।
यसैगरी इलेक्ट्रोमेकानिकल, हाइड्रोमेकानिकल तथा प्रसारण लाइन निर्माणको ठेकेदार कम्पनी केएचएनपीले निर्माणमा भएको ढिलाइका कारण दाबी गरेको रकम पुनरावलोकन गर्न प्राधिकरणका सञ्चालकको नेतृत्वमा टोली गठन गर्न समितिले सञ्चालक समितिमा प्रस्ताव पेस गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ ।
ठेकेदारले ८० लाख ५४ हजार -८ करोड ८४ लाख ३१ हजार रुपैयाँ) दाबी गरेको छ ।
ठेकेदारको म्याद ०७० असारसम्म आयोजनालाई थप आर्थिक व्ययभार नपर्ने गरी म्याद थप्ने निर्णय गरिएको प्राधिकरणका महाप्रबन्धक पाण्डेयले
जानकारी दिए ।
आयोजनाका निमित्तप्रमुख राजेन्द्र मानन्धरले १बुँदे निर्णय कार्यान्वयन गरिएमा ०७१ को पुसभित्र आयोजना निर्माण सम्पन्न हुने बताए ।
प्रस्तुति: नयाँ पत्रिका

Kulekhani II project expected to come back online in 10 days

Kulekhani Hydropower Project II, which has been shut down for the past week due to a fire, plans to resume production within the next 10 days. Energy generation at the hydropower plant was stopped after three of its transformers were damaged by a blaze on the night of April 16.
Technicians from the Nepal Electrical Authority (NEA)’s central office and Kulekhani I and II projects have been working on a rush schedule to repair the damaged equipment.
Meanwhile, Kulekhani II will be getting a transformer from the Gandak Hydropower Project to allow it to come back online soon as repairs could take another month. Project chief of Kulekhani II Krishna Prasad Yadav said a team of technicians left for the Gandak project on Monday to bring the transformer. According to him, the equipment is expected to arrive at the project site in Bhainse by Wednesday evening.
As per the technicians, they will require more time to fix the transformers. The three damaged transformers have a capacity of 12 mpA each while the replacement from the Gandak project has a capacity of 10 mpA.
The transformer is being rented from the Gandak project under the coordination of the NEA. Officials said the idea is to prevent load-shedding hours from possibly increasing with Kulekhani II out of action.
Two of the three wrecked transformers have been sent to the NEA’s main workshop in Hetauda while the third one is being repaired at the powerhouse of the project. According to Yadav, the repair work may be finished within the next one month.
After the transformers went kaput, electricity supply in the national grid has been reduced by 32 MW. Kulekhani II uses the spent water flows from the Kulekhani I. Due to the closure of Kulekhani II, the spent water from Kulekhani I is being released into the river directly. The NEA is thinking of shutting down Kulekhani I until Kulekhani II is back in operation. It said shutting down Kulekhani I would save water in the reservoir.
The transformers caught fire after a surge in the voltage in the device connecting the transformers to the transmission line. The South Korean-made transformers were installed when Kulekhani II was built in 1986. The project has a capacity of 32 MW.
Meanwhile, the diesel plant at Hetauda is being operated for 10 hours daily after the fire at Kulekhani II. Previously, it used to run for 4 hours daily.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

धमाधम बैकल्पिक उर्जा

भारतसित पीटीएलगायत कानुनी समस्याले पीडीए प्रभावित हुने

नेपाल–भारतबीच विद्युत् व्यापार सम्झौता (पीटीए) लगायत आधा दर्जनभन्दा बढी कानुनी जटिलता समधान हुुन बाँकी रहेकाले निकासीजन्य ठूला जलविद्युत् आयोजनाका प्रवद्र्धकसित हुने आयोजना विकास सम्झौता (पीडीए) मा समस्या आउने भएको छ ।
दुई देशबीच सहज विद्युत् आदानप्रदानका लागि आवश्यक पीटीए नुहुनु, भारतले नेपालबाट निकासी हुने बिजुलीलाई प्रतियुनिट थप २ रुपैयाँ भारु कर लगाउनु र आधा दर्जन ऐन एक–आपासमा बाझिएकाले यी समस्याको समधान नभएसम्म प्रवद्र्धकसित पीडीए नहुने अवस्था आएको हो ।
दुई देशको वाणिज्य सन्धिमा बिजुली निकासी सम्बन्धित व्यवस्था नभएको भन्दै भारतले सन् २००८ को वित्तीय नीतिमा सो कर लगाएको छ । यो भन्सार शुल्क नहटेसम्म निकासीजन्य आयोजना आर्थिक रूपमा सम्भाव्य हुँदैन ।  लगानी बोर्डले ३ हजार ५० मेगावाट क्षमताका चार ठूला जलविद्युत् आयोजनाका लगानीकर्तासित पीपीए गर्दै छ ।
प्रवद्र्धकसित पीडीएको वार्ता थाल्न लगानी बोर्डका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत (सीईओ) राधेश पन्तको संयोजकत्वमा ६ सदस्यीय वार्ता समिति गठन भइसकेको छ ।
नेपालका विद्युत् ऐन, बोनस ऐन, रोयल्टी रकमजस्ता ऐन बाझिएका छन् । यस्तै भिसामा सरलीकरण नुहुनु्, सरकारका तर्फबाट निर्णयमा हुने ढिलाइ र राजनीतिक जोखिम बढी भएकाले लगानी ग्यारेन्टी विषयमा समस्या आउने देखिएको छ । पछिल्लो समयमा जग्गा मुआब्जा समस्या चर्केको छ । जग्गा मुआब्जामा समस्या आएपछि प्रसारणलाइन र केही सडक आयोजना रोकिएको अवस्था छ । प्रसारणलाइन र सडक निर्माणका लागि जग्गा मुआब्जा समस्या समधानका बारेमा सरकारले कानुनी व्यवस्था नगरे आयोजना अघि बढ्न नसक्ने अवस्था छ ।
सरकारी र ऊर्जा उत्पादकहरूले नेपालस्थित भारतीय दूतावासमार्फत पटक–पटक औपचारिक रूपमा आग्रह गरे पनि भारतले सो शुल्क हटाएको छैन । भन्सार शुल्क नहटेसम्म आयोजना आर्थिक रूपमा सम्भाव्य नहुने प्रवद्र्धकले बताउँदै आएका छन् ।
भारतसित पीडीए आवश्यक भएको बोर्डका सीईओ पन्त बताउँछन् । निकासीजन्य आयोजनाका लागि दुई देशबीच पीटीए आवश्यक भएको बताउँदै उनले भने, “समयमा नभए भोलि असर पर्न सक्छ ।” पीडीएको प्रक्रिया लामो हुने भएकाले त्यसबेलासम्म दुई देशबीच पीटीए हुने उनको विश्वास छ । भारतीय प्रवद्र्धकले आयोजनामा लगानी गर्ने भएकाले यसमा खासै समस्या नआउने उनको भनाइ छ । पीडीएका क्रममा देशको हितलाई ध्यान दिने उनले बताए । आन्तरिक कानुनले जटिलता आए तत्काल अध्यादेश ल्याएर समस्या सम्बोधन गरिनुपर्ने उनको भनाइ छ । सरकारसँग पीडीए भएपछि मात्र बैंकले आयोजनामा लगानी गर्नेछन् ।
बोर्डले पीडीए गर्ने तयारी गरेका प्रवद्र्धकमा भारतको सतलज जलविद्युत् निगम लिमिटेड (अरुण तेस्रो ९ सय मेगावाट), जीएमआर अपरकर्णाली हाइड्रोपावर लिमिटेड ( माथिल्लो कर्णाली, ९ सय मेगावाट) र जीएमआरको लगानीमा हिमताल हाइड्रोपावर कम्पर्नी (मस्र्याङ्दी २, ६०० मेगावाट) र नर्वेको एसएन पावर (तामाकोसी तेस्रो, ६५० मेगावाट) आयोजना छन् । प्रवद्र्धकहरूले आयोजनाको विस्तृत अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन (डीपीआर) तयार गरी बोर्डमा बुझाई पीडीएको प्रतीक्षामा छन् ।
एसएन पावरले विद्यत् खरिद सम्झौता (पीपीए) का लागि नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणलाई प्रस्ताव गरिसकेको छ । सुख्खायामको बिजुली नेपालमा खपत हुने भए पनि वर्षादको बिजुली भारत निकासी गर्ने गरी प्रवद्र्धकहरूले क्यू २५ सम्ममा आयोजनाको डिजाइन गरेका छन् । यस्तै प्राधिकरणको गत चैतको पहिलो साता बसेको सञ्चालक समिति बैठकले पनि यी आयोजनाबाट उत्पादन हुने बिजुली सुख्खायाममा किन्ने निर्णयसमेत गरेको छ ।
पीडीएपछि प्रवद्र्धकहरूले चारवटा आयोजना बनाउन साढे ३ खर्ब रुपैयाँ नेपालमा लगानी गर्नेछन् । भारत निकासी प्रयोजनका लागि निर्माण, सञ्चालन, स्वामित्व र हस्तान्तरण (बुट) नीतिअन्तर्गत यी आयोजना बन्न लागेका हुन् ।
राजस्व र करबाहेक माथिल्लो कर्णालीबाट जीएमआरले १२ प्रतिशत निःशुल्क ऊर्जा र २७ प्रतिशत बिना आर्थिक दायित्व सेयर दिने सहमति गरिसकेको छ । माथिल्लो कर्णालीबाट नेपालले १ सय १० मेगावाट बिजुली निशुल्क प्राप्त गर्नेछ । यो क्षमताको आयोजना बनाउन करिब ११ अर्ब रुपैयाँ लगानी गर्नुपर्छ । यस्तै अरुण तेस्रो आयोजनाबाट सतलजले २२ प्रतिशत अथवा १ सय ९८ मेगावाट बिजुली निःशुल्क दिनेछ । यो क्षमताको आयोजना बनाउन २० अर्ब रुपैयाँभन्दा बढी लाग्छ । तीन वर्षअघि ऊर्जा मन्त्रालय र जीएमआरसँग पीडीएका लागि तीन चरण वार्ता गर्दा प्रगति नभएपछि रोकिएको थियो ।
५ सय मेगावाटभन्दा ठूला विद्युत् आयोजना अघि बढाउने अधिकार बोर्डसित छ । बोर्डले प्रतिस्पर्धा वा सीधै वार्ताबाट लगानीकर्तालाई आयोजना निर्माणको जिम्मा दिनुका साथै सहजीकरण गर्नेछ ।
लगानीकर्ताबाट राज्यले लिने लाभ, दिनुपर्ने सेवा–सुविधाका साथै सुरक्षाको प्रत्याभूति, लगानीमैत्री वातावरणको सुनिश्चितता, सम्झौताको मितिलाई आधार मानेर प्रवद्र्धकहरूले राज्यबाट पाउने कर छुट, निःशुल्क बिजुली लिने–दिनेजस्ता विषयमा सरकार र प्रवद्र्धकबीच हुने सम्झौता पीडीए हो । पीडीए सम्झौतापछि मात्र बैंकहरूले आयोजनामा लगानी गर्छन् । ऐन–नियममार्फत करको दरमा परिवर्तन भए पनि पीडीए भइसकेका आयोजनामा पुरानै सेवा–सुविधा लागू हुनेछ भने आयोजनालाई सरकारले राष्ट्रियकरण गर्न पाउनेछैन । लगानीकर्ताको धितो भनेकै पीडीए डकुमेन्ट हो ।
प्रस्तुति: कारोबार / बाबुराम खड्का

Hydel Projects below 500 MW: PDA talks on hold as developers fail to pay fees

Power development agreements
The long-awaited power development agreement (PDA) negotiations with hydropower projects with a capacity of less than 500 MW have been deferred once again after their developers failed to pay the required fee. The Ministry of Energy (MoE) said it was unable to start talks as the developers who applied for
PDAs did not pay the processing charges and asked for a month’s time to make payment.
A month ago, six hydel projects with a combined capacity of 1,130 MW had applied for PDAs at the Department of Electricity Development (DoED). The projects are Upper Trishuli A (216 MW), Upper Marsyangdi A (50 MW), Middle Bhote Koshi I (40 MW), Budhi Gandaki II (260 MW), Kali Gandaki Gorge (164 MW) and Lower Arun (400 MW).
Just a week ago, the Balephi project (50 MW) had also applied for the agreement, said a DoED source. “However, only Upper Trishuli A among the seven applicants paid the PDA fee when submitting the required documents,” said department spokesperson Gokarna Pant. The government is ready to sign the PDA, but the developers have asked for additional time to pay the fee,he added.
As per PDA Procedure 2013, power developers have to pay US$ 1,500 per MW as processing fee to sign a PDA. If the government refuses to sign an agreement, the money will be refunded. Following repeated demands by developers, the government has initiated the process of signing PDAs.
After PDA Procedure 2013 was issued on Jan 23, the DoED had formally called power developers to sign PDAs within two months. The department has expressed its readiness to extend the deadline by one more month if requested to do so, but none of them has requested an extension of the time limit, according to DoED officials.
As per the new procedure, power developers are required to submit, among other documents, a feasibility report along with the estimated cost, financial analysis and drawing design, environmental impact assessment report, copy of the power purchase agreement (PPA) signed with the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and letter of intent submitted by the funding institution to the developer.
MoE officials said that after the developers pay the fee, the ministry would sit down for negotiations with them. The ministry has formed a PDA negotiation committee under the coordination of joint secretary Keshav Dhoj Adhikary.
As per the instruction of chief secretary Lila Mani Paudel, the ministry has planned to use a single PDA template to negotiate with projects with different capacities. “As instructed, we have procured the PDA template prepared by the Investment Board,” Adhikary said.
Source : The Kathmandu Post

Monday, April 22, 2013

Kulekhani-II to borrow transformers

kulekhani damaged transformers
Kulekhani-II Hydropower Project is to borrow transformers from Gandak Hydropower Project for the time being after the former´s three transformers were damaged by fire last week. All three transformers of the project, which generates 32 megawatts, were broken after a fire caused by high voltage.
A five member team led by engineer Rajendra Chaudhari of Kulekhani-II in Bhaise-1 Makawanpur, reached the Gandak Hydropower Project on Monday.
According to the project administration of Kulekhani-II, three transformers from Gandak hydro project, which has stopped its operation for long, will be brought to Kulekhani and used until the damaged transformers are repaired.
Krishna Prasad Yadav, the chief of Kulekhani-II project, informed that the transformers from the Gandak project would be brought within three days. “A technical team has already been sent to bring the transformers. The team will return within three days along with the transformers,” said Yadav. The project also informed that the maintenance of the damaged transformers is going on in full swing.
“The maintenance work is in the full swing with the aim to resume power generation within the next 10 days,” Yadav further informed.
Source : Republica

तनहुँ जलविद्युत आयोजनाको लागत ४२ अर्ब

 तनहुँ जलविद्युत आयोजनाका लागि सहयोग सम्बन्धी सम्झौतापत्रमा सरकार र एसियाली विकास बैंकबीच हस्ताक्षर भएको छ ।
अर्थ मन्त्रालयमा सोमबार आयोजित कार्यक्रममा सो आयोजनाका लागि एसियाली विकास बैंकले नेपाल सरकारलाई १३ अर्ब रुपैयां (१५० मिलियन अमेरिकी डलर) उपलब्ध गराउने सम्झौतामा अर्थ सचिव शान्तराज सुवेदी र बैंकका तर्फबाट देशीय निर्देशक केनिची योकोहामाले हस्ताक्षर गरेका हुन् ।
हस्ताक्षर कार्यक्रममा अर्थसचिव सुवेदीले मुलुकमा बढ्दो उर्जा सङकटलाई हल गर्नका लागि महत्वपूर्ण मानिएको सो आयोजनालाई समयमै सम्पन्न गर्न सरकारले सक्दो सहयोग गर्ने बताए ।
कार्यक्रममा योकोहामाले सो आयोजनालाई समयमै सम्पन्न गर्नुपर्ने र त्यसकालागि बैंकका तर्फबाट अझै सक्दो सहयोग गरिने बताए ।
कुल १ सय ४० मेगावाट क्षमताको सो आयोजनालाई जलाशययुक्त आयोजनाको रुपमा निर्माण गरिने भएको छ । आगामी वर्षबाट सुरु भई छ वर्ष भित्र सम्पन्न गरिने लक्ष्य राखिएको सो आयोजनाको प्रमुख लगानीकर्ता जापानी अन्तराष्ट्रिय सहयोग नियोग (जाइका) रहेको छ भने एसियाली विकास बैंक, अवुधावी फन्ड, यूरोपियन इन्भेस्टमेन्ट बैंक र नेपाल सरकारको लगानी रहने छ ।
सो आयोजनाको कूल लागत करिब रु ४२ अर्ब ( ५ सय ५ मिलियन डलर)  रहेको छ ।

स्रोत: कारोबार संवाददाता–काठमाडौं, ९ वैशाख ।

FNCCI planning to set up Nepal-India-China think tank

The Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) is planning to set up a think-tank comprising private sectors of three countries—Nepal, India and China.

The proposed think-tank, according to FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya, will mainly focus on benefiting Nepal, being strategically located between the two emerging economic powers.
Making public the plan at a press meet held in the Capital on Sunday to mark its first two year at country’s apex business body, the FNCCI leadership said that they would concentrate on results of the programmes that were announced in first two years. “We were in the planning phase in the first year and spent the second year for implementations of planned projects and programmes,” said Vaidya. “The remaining one year will be to see the results of our plans and programmes.”
Vaidya said the FNCCI leadership will urge stakeholders including political parties to implement the commitment signed recently for the development of hydropower sector in the country.
During the 47th annual general meeting of the FNCCI on April 10, top leaders of seven political parties along with Chairman of the Interim Election Government Khil Raj Regmi had signed a commitment paper vowing to not obstruct in the hydropower development but rather to play positive role in project development.
“We will now begin pressuring the parties to execute what they had signed,” Vadiya said, adding that the FNCCI expects to see the party’s commitment in their respective political manifesto.
According to the FNCCI, it has come up with the revised draft on common economic agenda after incorporating comments from stakeholders, including the political parties. “The revised draft has been forwarded to all political parties and we will soon make them sign the draft,” said Vaidya.
Reviewing its two-year performance, the FNCCI said its efforts towards the introduction of Nepal Investment Year 2012-13, formation of Investment Board of Nepal (IBN), extension of one village; one product (OVOP) to 22 districts and preparation of the study reports of more than 20 products under one district; one product, regular talks with the trade unions and political commitment in hydropower development were some of the achievements during the period.
When asked about the growing difference between past and current FNCCI presidents, Vaidya insisted that the apex business body has always treated equally to all its former presidents. He said that former President Pradeep Kumar Shrestha had been elected as vice-president of Confederation of Asia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) and Padma Jyoti was sent to the Nepal-India Trade Mechanism due to the initiatives of FNCCI itself. “Chandi Raj Dhakal has been entrusted with revising the FNCCI’s statute which is a critical job of any organisation,” he said.
Stating that nobody should expect more recognition than necessary, he said, “Nobody is above the institution and that we should work as per the FNCCI’s statute.”
Source : The Kathmandu Post

FNCCI wants energy programs in election manifestos of parties

The Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) is lobbying with the political parties to include energy development programs in their election manifestos.
“We want all the political parties in the country to come up with economic programs prioritizing energy sector development so that we can gradually reduce energy deficit in the country,” Suraj Vaidya, president of FNCCI, said. “We will start negotiations with top leaders of political parties soon.”
Speaking at an interaction with economic journalists on Sunday, Vaidya said FNCCI will request political parties to forge consensus on common minimum economic agenda for sectors like tourism, agriculture, energy and service.
Stressing the need to promote trade with India and China, Vaiyda said process to form a tripartite high-level team has already begun. “We are already in talks with Indian business leaders in this direction. We will also hold talks with our Chinese counterparts to form a high level think tank that will play vital role in promoting trade among the three neighbors,” said Vaidya.
At a time when negotiations are underway to review minimum remuneration of workers, Vaidya clearly stated that the private sector was not in a position to fix minimum remuneration at Rs 12,000-Rs15,000 per month as demanded by the trade unions representatives. “We are for increasing minimum remuneration on the basis of inflation rate calculated by the government,” said Vaidya. “Most of the factories will be closed down if remuneration is increased as demanded by the trade unions.”

Source : Republica

Villages enjoy uninterrupted electricity

As many as 250 households in two remote villages in Makwanpur are connected to an uninterrupted power supply, thanks to the hybrid technology combining solar, wind and small hydropower to generate electricity.
The first of its type in the country, the trio system has been installed in Thingan and Kolkhop villages in the eastern part of Makwanpur district. A team of 33 university students and four professors from Korea had provided monetary and technical support to generate 30KW electricity in the village.
The recently added wind turbine (3 KW) and a small-scale hydro power plant (20 KW) in Miteri Khola and already installed solar PV panels of 7 KW, are used in generating electricity to illuminate the villages, which otherwise had always been dependent on kerosene lamps.
Talking to THT, Binayak Bhandari, a Nepali student, who coordinates the yearly visit of Korean students and professors to the village, said they are fond of coming to the village and share their knowledge, skills and technology with the villagers. “Their focus is mainly to provide off grid sustainable energy to the Nepali population who have been living in darkness and potentially neglected from the government’s electrification projects due to the rough terrain and other geographical difficulties,” he added. Though the Korean team bore the cost of resources, the villagers worked hard to help with the construction, he added.
In addition to the energy production, the Korean team has also constructed about 50 Korean style Ondol (cooking cum heating system) in two villages. The main features of Ondol are smokeless cooking and it serves as a means for house heating during harsh winter season.
The construction of Ondol has been demonstrated at 12 houses in Kolkhop village and is being extended to all other households of the village. The response from the villagers has been very positive so far, Bhandari said.
Director at the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Govind Raj Pokhrel said that the hybrid technology is being used for the first time in the country.
Likewise, in Nawalparasi, a project combing solar and wind energy are being used to provide electricity in 50 houses.
Source : The Himalayan Times

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Uncertainty looms over Indrawati hydro project

Indrawati - Trishul confluence at Dolalghat
Indrawati – Trishul confluence at Dolalghat
SINDHUPALCHOWK: Chances of the becoming a reality are gradually fading due to government’s lethargic approach towards the project.
Some political leaders hold the government responsible for the gloomy scenario of the project as it had failed to carry out feasibility study despite the allocation
of budget for the same. The reservoir power project, deemed suitable to the country due to its comparatively more accessible project site, had figured among the 10 most-prioritised projects of the then government three years ago when Gokarna Bista was at the helm of the energy ministry.
The government then in the fiscal of 2010-11 had also allocated Rs 100 million for the power project’s feasibility study acting on the experts’ suggestion. It was anticipated that up to 110MW power would be generated from the project. Even Bista’s successor, Posta Bahadur Bogati had visited the project site as energy minister and had given a green signal.
But interestingly, it was during Bogati’s own tenure as minister that the budget allocated for the feasibility study was sent back saying the ambitious project was beyond the capacity of the government and would be handed over to a donor instead.
“Although a further study was proposed, after conducting a primary study, the ministry decided not to proceed ahead saying the project was unaffordable,” said Ranjan Lakol, Spokesperson for the Energy Ministry. Former NEA board member Subhas Karmacharya also held the government responsible for the abrupt halt of the project.
Source : The Himalayan Times

विधुत खपतको लागि मितव्ययिता

प्रकाशित मिति : 21/04/2013
प्रकाशित : The Himalayan Times
राष्ट्रिय विधुत सेवाको निराकरणका लागि सरकारी र्कायालयहरुले नै विधुत खपतको लागि मितव्ययिता गर्ने कदमहरु चालु राखी सर्वसाधारणलाई सुसूचित गराऔं ।
नेपाल सरकार
सूचना तथा सञ्चार मन्त्रालय
सूचना विभाग

Invitation For Tenders for Kabeli Energy Limited

Notice Published Date : 21st April,2013
Notice Published In : The Himalayan Times ,
Notice For : Invitation For Tenders

Investment board forms PDA team

Power development agreements
KATHMANDU: A meeting of the Investment Board of Directors today decided to form a core negotiating committee to carry out the Project Development Agreement (PDA) negotiations on the four export-oriented hydropower projects under the purview of the Investment Board.
The meeting decided that the CEO of the Investment Board Radesh Pant would lead the Negotiating Committee. Joint Secretary of the Department of Electricity Development, Anup Kumar Upadhyaya, Joint Secretary of Ministry of Energy, Keshab Dhoj Adhikari, Joint Secretary of Ministry of Finance, Baikuntha Aryal, and a Joint Secretary from the Ministry of Law & Justice and Mukunda Paudyal are other members of the committee.
Issuing a press statement, CEO Pant said with the formation of the committee, they were prepared to start active negotiations with the developers of the four export-oriented projects. PDA is needed for projects that bring foreign direct investment and it requires specific concentration, the statement said. “We have sent a clear indication that Nepal is ready to sit for face-to-face negotiations once they are ready,” Pant said, adding, “The developers also understand our desire to sign deals that are balanced with terms that protect and benefit both parties – investors as well as Nepal,” he added.
CEO Pant further informed about the progress made by the investment board in carrying out the technical due diligence for the four projects: Arun III, Upper Karnali, Upper Marsyangdi II and Tamakoshi III.
According to the board, the global engineering firm, Lahmeyer International, jointly appointed by the IBN and the World Bank has completed its first phase of investigation to assess the four projects from socio-economic, financial, environmental, geotechnical and hydrological point of view. The technical analysis will also ensure that these power projects are sustainable, it added. With an installed capacity of 3,050MW, the four projects aiming the Indian market, will first aim to satisfy Nepal’s domestic power needs.
Source : The Himalayan Times

राहुघाट लाई निरन्तरता दिन उपसमितिको सुझाव

राहुघाट विद्युत् आयोजनाको आवासगृहको काम अन्तिम चरणमा
राहुघाट विद्युत् आयोजनाको आवासगृहको काम अन्तिम चरणमा
म्याग्दी, ७ वैशाख- सिभिल ठेकेदार कम्पनी आईभीआरसीएल इन्डिया लिमिटेडले मूल्य समायोजनको माग राखेपछि अलमलमा परेको राहुघाट विद्युत् आयोजनालाई नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणले निरन्तरता दिने भएको छ ।
म्याग्दीमा निर्माणाधीन ३२ मेगावाट क्षमताको आयोजनालाई निरन्तरता दिने या नदिने विषयमा अध्ययन गर्न प्राधिकरणले गत पुसको दोस्रो साता कार्यकारी निर्देशक रामेश्वर यादवको नेतृत्वमा गठन गरेको एक उपसमितिले राष्ट्रकै गौरवको आयोजना भएकाले निरन्तरता दिनुपर्ने निष्कर्ष निकालेको राहुघाट जलविद्युत् आयोजनाका सहायक प्रशासकीय अधिकृत कासिनाथ दाहालले बताए ।
“आयोजना रहने वा नरहने भन्ने भ्रम मेटिएको छ,” दाहालले भने, “मूल्य समायोजनको माग गरिरहेको ठेकेदार कम्पनीसँगको वार्तासमेत सकारात्मक छ ।” उनले प्राधिकरण पुरानो कम्पनीलाई नै निरन्तरता दिने पक्षमा रहेको बताए  । आवासगृहको काम अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको, प्रवेश मार्गको काम भइरहेको, सिभिल निर्माणका लागि परामर्शदाता  छनौट भई काम सुरु गरिरहेको लगायत अन्य महŒवपूर्ण काम भएकाले पनि निरन्तरता दिनुपर्ने तर्क उपसमितिको छ । भारत सरकारले एक्जिम बैंकमार्फत प्राधिकरणले ७ अर्ब रुपैयाँ सहुलियतमा ऋण उपलब्ध गराएपछि २०६६ सालदेखि निर्माणको काम अघि बढाइएको थियो ।
आयोजनाको मुख्य संरचना टनेल, पावर हाउस, सडक, बाँध निर्माणको जिम्मा पाएको भारतीय कम्पनीले विभिन्न माग राख्दै निर्माणकार्य अवरोध गरेपछि आयोजना रोक्ने भन्ने विषयमा समेत बहस चलेको थियो । भारत सरकारको सहयोगमा निर्माण हुन लागेको आयोजना रोक्दा दुई देशबीचको सम्बन्धमा समेत नकारात्मक असर पर्ने भएकाले पनि यसलाई अगाडि बढाउनुपर्नेमा उपसमितिको जोड रहेको छ ।
एक्जिम बैंकमार्फत नेपालमा सडकलगायत अन्य विकास–निर्माणको क्षेत्रमा समेत लगानी भएकाले राहुघाटको असर त्यता पर्नेतर्फ समेत सचेत हुनुपर्ने तथा सरकारी आयोजना फिर्ता हुदाँ निजी क्षेत्रको लगानीमा समेत असर पर्ने, हालसम्मको लगानी खेर जाने जस्ता विभिन्न कारण पनि सो आयोजना अगाडि बढाउनुपर्ने उपसमितिको प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ ।
प्रस्तुति: कारोबार

SN Power signs PNA with IBN

SN Power
KATHMANDU, April 21: The Investment Board of Nepal (IBN) has signed project negotiation agreement (PNA) with SN Power, a Norwegian power developer engaged in development of 650MW Tamakoshi hydropower project. SN Power is the first company to ink PNA, although the IBN has asked all hydro project developers to sign such agreement.
“GMR and Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam, two Indian infrastructure developers, have not signed PNA so far,” a source privy to the issue told Republica. The IBN had previously asked all the three developers–GMR, Sutlej and SN Power–to sign the PNA.
PNA sets a standard timeframe to complete project development agreement (PDA) negotiation for hydropower projects above 500 MW. According to the PNA document, developers and the government should sign PDA within one and half years of beginning PDA negotiations.
The GMR is engaged in development of 900 MW Upper Karnali and 600 MW Marsyangdi hydropower projects. Sutlej is working on developing 900 MW Arun III hydropower project.
“Sutlej still has time to sign PNA. But GMR has failed to sign PNA for Marsyangdi hydro project within deadline,” the source revealed. “GMR, however, has not declined to sign the document. It has said it is preparing to sign the agreement.”
The IBN, a high-level government entity that was formed more than one and half years ago to facilitate development of large-scale infrastructure projects, last week formed a PDA negotiation team.
“The IBN has communicated with developers to start PDA negotiations by the end of May,” the source said. “The IBN is hoping that GMR would sign PNA before that.”
According to the PNA template, PDA negotiation with hydro project developers would be automatically terminated if PDA could not be completed within one and half years of commencement of PDA negotiations.
It is said PNA will end the proclivity to lingering PDA negotiations for mega hydropower projects.
According to the source, the IBN developed PNA template through technical assistance of the Centre for Inclusive Growth (CIG), an organization that focuses on policy dialogues in the country and is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) of the British government.
A high-ranking IBN official said: “The concept of PNA was coined to pass the ownership of the project to developers.”
Source : Republica

CPN-M slams parties’ hydropower pledge


The CPN-Maoist , which has been opposing Indian investment in the hydro power sector in Nepal, has termed the recent political solidarity for hydropower development a cheap publicity.
In a press statement, the Department of Water Resources and Energy of the party said the move was meant to hide all existing anomalies, financial irregularities, treaties signed against the country’s interests and foreigners’ intervention in the country.
In the 47th annual general meeting of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) on April 10, top leaders of seven political parties along with Chairman of the Interim Election Government Khil Raj Regmi had signed a commitment paper, jointly vowing not to hinder the development of any hydro power project. Among the parties that committed not to obstruct the power projects were UCPN (Maoist), CPN-UML, Nepali Congress, Rastriya Janashakti Party Madhesi Janadhikar Forum-Loktrantrik, Madhesi Janadhikar Forum-Nepal and Tarai Madhes Loktantik. However, despite several attempts from the private sector, the Mohan Baidya-led CPN-Maoist refused to sign the paper.
CPN-Maoist leader Dharmendra Bastola said his party has reservations over the commitment paper. He also charged the signatories and the parties they represented of being involved in taking bribes and commissions from hydropower developers in the country. “We were surprised by the commitment of the parties that had so far been selling Nepal’s water resources to monopolists and capitalists,” said the press release.
The press release signed by Lok Bahadur Raut, the secretary of the party department, further states that the Koshi, Gandak and Mahakali-Pancheswor Treaty, along with the handing over of projects like Upper Karnali, Upper Marysandi, Arun-III and Saptakoshi Hydropower Projects, were against the interests of the country and “unequal” to the country in terms of possession and profits. “Our party is of the opinion that until such unequal agreements, treaties and contracts are corrected, the projects should not be constructed,” the release said. It added that the party had been playing a creative role in the management and operation of any of the projects that are constructed by putting the national interests on top.
Bastola said his party will not oppose foreign investment in Nepal’s hydropower projects, but will struggle against ‘Indian monopoly’ in hydro power.
Reacting to the statement, FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya said such ‘whimsical’ statement from one of the major parties of the country would ruin the entire investment climate of Nepal. “It is really unfortunate that the CPN-Maoist is obstructing foreign investment in hydropower by targeting the investment of acertain country,” he said, adding that such ‘blame game’ will never promote the country’s hydropower sector. “If the CPN-Maoist is unhappy with the private sector’s attempts to ensure commitment from the political parties, I request this party to come up with its roadmap on the development of hydropower,” said Vaidya.
Source : The Kathmandu Post

CPN-Maoist calls for review of all hydropower schemes

KATHMANDU: Mohan Baidhya-led CPN-Maoist today expressed serious reservations over the six major political parties’ pledge to support the ongoing hydropower projects in the country. The reaction comes 10 days after the parties made a commitment to develop hydropower.
Issuing a press release, CPN-Maoist’s department of water resources and energy indirectly expressed differing views in ‘not to obstruct any hydro projects construction’ saying that all projects are not equal, against the nation and welfare of the people. While taking a backseat, the party said it is not that they do not support the hydro project development as other six parties did, rather they are choosy in supporting hydro projects as all projects are not in favour of Nepalis.
Leaders of six major political parties — the Unified CPN-Maoist, Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum-Nepal, Rastriya Janashakti Party and Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum-Democratic — and the Chairman of the interim ele-ction government Khil Raj Regmi signed a commitment paper, pledging not to disturb hydropower developm-ent in country on April 11.
Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) had sought all parties’ commitment to help build the ailing hydro sector as the developers are wary of frequent obstruction in the project. “The FNCCI has been lobbying for a common minimum economic agenda, including hydropower, for the development of the country,” said FNCCI President Suraj Vaidya, during the inaugural session, adding, “It is high time all political parties came to a certain understanding on ways to end the everlasting transition and steer the nation towards the path of accelerated growth.”
Except the CPN-Maoist party, all four major and some fringe parties had expressed their solidarity not to create hurdle in the hydro sector during the 47th annual General Meeting of FNCCI.
The party has reiterated its resistance on various projects underway saying that they were on unequal agreements, treaties with the foreigners saying that they should be scrapped or reviewed.
Source : The Himalayan Times

Budhigandaki project to be completed by 2022

It’s one of the 17 national ventures of government
KATHMANDU: Secretary of the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers Krishna Hari Baskota today said that the Budhigandaki Hydro Project of 600 MW will be completed by 2079 BS following a recent field visit of the projects.
He said the survey including feasibility study, detailed project study, tender bid of run-of-river project will be finalised by the fiscal year of 2072/73 and the project will be complete by next six years. The project is one of the 17 national pride projects of the government.
A French company has started the feasibility study, detailed project study February 1, and with the deadline of thirty months. During the visit Secretary Baskota had observed the drilling and had met with the officials of the Tractebel Engineering SA, France.
A press release issued by Baskota’s office said that he had assured the contractor any support by the government. The government had awarded the company for feasibility study, DPR and bidding document preparation with the sum of Rs 92,683,9000.

Govt’s failure to hike PPA rate irks developers

Ministry of Energy
Developers of a number of hydropower projects, which began during the Maoist insurgency, are upset with the government’s failure to abide by its decision to increase the power purchase agreement (PPA) rate.
The Ministry of Energy (MoE) had promised to increase the rate earlier, but the Economic Infrastructure Committee in the Cabinet turned down its proposal a few days ago.
Projects including the Sunkoshi Khola (2.6 MW), Baramchi Khola (4.2 MW), Thoppal Khola (1.6 MW), Ridhi Khola (2.4 MW) and Hewa Khola (4.5 MW) were assured of a PPA hike.
The MoE had forwarded a proposal to increase the rate to Rs 4. 80 per unit in the summer and Rs 8.40 per unit in the winter in line with the PPA hike for new projects in June 2012. They are now getting a PPA rate of Rs 3.90 per unit during the wet season and Rs 5.52 during the dry.
“We failed to provide the promised facility for these projects after the Economic Infrastructure Committee of the Cabinet refused to accept it, while the same was also forwarded to the previous government,” said Energy Secretary Hari Ram Koirala.
“The Cabinet committee has, however, said it will not decide on any proposal tabled by the previous government until the proposal is once again forwarded by the ministry concerned,” Koirala said.
He said that the ministry will soon hold talks with the power developers and then, as per their recommendations, forward the proposal to the committee at the earliest.
The Baburam Bhattarai government had decided to increase the PPA rate of the projects and make it on a par with new projects. The new rates will be valid for seven years of the beginning of the projects’ commercial operations.
In June last year, the MoE had hiked the PPA rate for new projects below 25-MW capacity by 20 percent.
The power developers were demanding a hike in the PPA rate for projects under construction and well as the completed ones.
Though the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has been signing the PPA in the revised rate with the under-construction projects, the government power utility has been denying the increased rate to the completed projects.
Following a tussle with the NEA, the Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA) had demanded an increment in the rate until the loan repayment period, exemption of the delay charge, value added tax waiver and refinancing facility. A total of 14 projects, with a joint capacity of 27 MW, have completed construction and are awaiting PPA increment.
Source : The Kathmandu Post

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Experts insist on micro-hydro to solve power crisis

Experts insist that focusing on micro-hydro is the only cost effective and easy solution for ever growing energy crisis in the country. Nepal has the potential to establish more than 2200 micro hydro projects and realizing this would change the face of the nation.
Speaking at a workshop in the capital on Friday, Minister for Science and Technology and vice chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Umakanta Jha said that a developing country like Nepal should develop micro hydropower projects at the community level.
“It is unfortunate that a country which has immense possibility of hydropower is facing long hours of load shedding. It is high time to focus on hydropower projects and move ahead,” he said.
A total of 50 hydropower experts, senior scientists and technicians of the country and 26 foreign delegates from 16 countries including India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Vietnam and Indonesia are participating in the 3-day workshop that kicked off today. The international workshop on ´the role of micro-hydro for developing countries´ has been jointly organized by NAST, Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) and Science and Technology Centre of India.
At the program, executive director of AEPC professor Govinda Raj Pokhrel stressed for a concrete policy and plan to exploit the hydro-power potential.
“We are so rich in water resources, yet we are facing acute power crisis. The problem cannot be addressed until and unless we have suitable policy for micro-hydro projects which alone is reliable solution to the serious problem we have,” he said. Secretary of NAST, Prof Prakash Chandra Adhikari added that concrete policy on micro-hydro would speed up the country´s development.
Micro-hydro has increasingly been popular in the country over the years. According to Pokhrel, Nepal has made remarkable strides in micro-hydro in the past two decades but a lot needs to be done.
Source : Republica

Upper Mailung ‘A’ signs consortium financing pact

The 6.42 MW installed capacity power project will cost Rs 956.30 million
Upper Mailung hydropower project
 Promoted by former president of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Kush Kumar Joshi, Upper Mailung ‘A’ hydropower project has signed a consortium financing led by Nepal Bank.
The 6.42 MW installed capacity power project will cost a total of Rs 956.30 million, including interest during construction, according to chairman of Energy Engineering Joshi. “The project will cost Rs 148.95 million
per MW including interest during construction.”
Of the total project cost, the consortium banks will lend 70 per cent whereas the firm will have 30 per cent equity, he said, adding Nepal Bank is the lead bank with Nepal Investment Bank and Civil Bank as consortium banks.
Developed by Energy Engineering, the 6.42 MW power plant located at Gatlang VDC of Rasuwa district and Tipling VDC of Dhading district has a net annual generation capacity of 35.775 GWh.
The hydropower project is expected to be completed by July 2014, added Joshi, who is also leading the Kathmandu-Hetauda fast track tunnel project through his firm, Nepal Infrastructure Development Company.
Currently, big business houses are also interested in investing in hydropower due to rising cost of operation of industries that has paralysed the domestic economy.
Source : The Himalayan Times

Friday, April 19, 2013

कुलेखानी दोस्रोको मर्मत सुरु, लोडसेडिङ नबढाउन डिजेल प्लान्ट

kulekhani damaged transformers
मकवानपुर, बैशाख ५ – आगलागीबाट जलेर क्षति पुगेको मकवानपुरको भैंसे गाविस-१ स्थित कुलेखानी दोस्रो जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको ३ वटा ट्रान्सफर्मर मर्मतसम्भार सुरु गरिएको छ।
ट्रान्सफर्मर जलेपछि ३२ मेगावाट विद्युत् उत्पादन हुने दोस्रो आयोजना बन्द हुँदा लोडसेडिङमा प्रभाव पर्ने भएपछि मर्मतसम्भार बुधबारबाटै सुरु गरिएको हो। ट्रान्सफर्मरमा हाइभोल्टेजका कारण ‘ब्रसिङ ब्रस्ट’ भई आगो लाग्दा झण्डै ५ करोडको क्षति भएको थियो।
तत्काल मुलुकको विद्युत आपूर्तिमा प्रभाव पर्ने देखिएपछि आयोजनालाई छिट्टै मर्मतसम्भार गराउन दबाब परेको हो। आगोले पुर्‍याएको नोक्सान आँकलन गरी विद्युतगृहमै एउटा ट्रान्सफर्मर मर्मत हुने भएको छ। बढी क्षति भएको अर्को उपकरण भने मर्मतसम्भारका लागि हेटौंडाको विद्युत प्राधिकरणकै केन्द्रीय वर्कसपमा ल्याइएको छ।
‘मर्मतसम्भार सुरु भइसकेको छ। एउटा आयोजनास्थलमै प्राविधिकले मर्मत गर्दैछन्। अर्को केन्द्रीय वर्कसपमा मर्मत हुँदैछ’ आयोजना प्रमुख कृष्णप्रसाद यादवले भने, ‘प्राधिकरणका सबै अनुभवी प्राविधिक यसैमा लागेका छन्। करिब ५० जनाले बुधबारबाटै काम सुरु गरिसकेका छन्।’ उनले द्रुतगतिमा मर्मतसम्भार गरिने बताए।
डिजल प्लान्ट १६ घण्टा सञ्चालन
कुलेखानी दोस्रो परियोजना बन्द भएपछि सम्भावित लोडसेडिङ कम गर्न हेटौंडाको डिजेल प्लान्ट १६ घण्टासम्म सञ्चालन गरिएको छ।
बढीमा दैनिक ५-१० घण्टामात्र चलाउने गरिएको प्लान्ट बिहीबार १६ घण्टा चलेको डिजल केन्द्र हेटौंडाका प्रमुख राजेशकुमार पाण्डेले जानकारी गराए। उनले मर्मतसम्भारको अवधिसम्म डिजल प्लान्ट सञ्चालन अवधि नघट्ने बताए। गत मंसिरदेखि ७ वटा प्लान्ट रहेको डिजेल केन्द्र सञ्चालन भइरहेको थियो।
हेटौंडा वितरण केन्द्र प्रमुख पाण्डेका अनुसार ७ वटै प्लान्ट सञ्चालन गर्दा प्रतिघण्टा ३ हजारदेखि ३ हजार पा”चसय लिटरसम्म डिजल खपत हुन्छ। ७ देखि ९ रुपिया” प्रतियुनिट पर्ने विद्युत डिजल प्लान्टबाट उत्पादन गर्दा प्रतियुनिट ३० देखि ३५ रुपैया पर्न जान्छ।
प्रस्तुतिनागरिक / रामशरण पुडासैनि